So there you are, the moment you have been waiting for your whole life. The positive pregnancy test! You see those two little lines and you are beaming with excitement and joy, bursting to tell the world your news. Then a few weeks go by and you can barely choke down a piece of bread without it being promptly returned from the unending morning sickness. It's like having a stomach virus for months. The problem is that no one really tells you what to expect. Everybody tells you about the pregnancy glow and the excitement, but where is the reality? That's what you get when you bring your baby home. I have heard of some alien folk speak of these babies that are sleeping through the night by the time they are 3 weeks old. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE??? I just don't make my babies that way for some reason. Mine come out screaming and generally don't stop until they are two years old. And that is what no one is ever prepared for. It is utterly shocking!
Welcome to parenthood.
I LOVE the title of this blog!! Great start girlie!